All natural shampoos, conditioners and fixatives
For over 30 years EZ-Groom has been providing all natural shampoos, conditioners and fixatives. We design, formulate, blend, bottle, label, sell, distribute and support our shampoos, conditioners and most other liquid products. We own the formulations we make.

Ultra Rich Conditioner/Creme Rinse – Breezy clean scent – Multipurpose formulation, containing nourishing botanicals. Leaves the coat static and tangle free. Safe for cats.

This wonderful deep cleaning shampoo is a mild, hypo-allergenic gentle 24:1 shampoo concentrate. It is formulated specifically to deodorize and clean. Moisturizing beads contain Vitamin E. Fresh and light Lemon Grass Fragrance. Gentle. Safe on Cats
Click here to visit EZgroom’s website
for more information and products!